goes to reason and makes sence. if we can, then we should.
the ability is there, the will exists. determination to jump over obstacles draws folks together.
so i have started a blog thing here to collect ideas and post opinions and views. i am interested in creating a group, or society for all to join. the idea being a self contained camp site off the grid for all. from there, expand beyond... for those intereseted.
a society for a finer more natural way of life. gardening and farming off the land, self sufficient power, heat, water, electricity, food, shelter. its just a direction, a beginning. if it goes well...then ill be happy. so by all means i dont care what you post, anything and everything...funny how everythings related.
and keep in mind...everythings relavant.
friends and family, new friends i havent met yet...i give you "free range canadians"
yes indeed. feel free lady's, to blog me as well. looking for heart smart recipe's. and edible wild stuff...or just to chat it up...its only a start now but its on the go...welcome all...
ReplyDeletegood day to all..
ReplyDeletehere it is, oct 16, 2013. welll i started that ideal, went to B.C. in the spring of 2011 to learn prospecting and practice survivalism in the caribou mountains.
with my free miners license, forest steward contract, and B.C.e.I.D., i aquired a gold claim for 100 $, which yields 40$ a tonn in gold. not good but it is a spot i started to develop as a family work site.
i partnered up with a fellow and met a few others, soon i realized i need to learn more. much more....
since 2011 iv spent eighteen months in the bush and learned so much. i think whats needed is to be self employed off the land, part time gold panning and part time forestry such as a firewood business or tree farm, x-mass trees, berry farm, vegetable farm, harvesting roots and herbs, wild flower arrangements, and agragates like a gravel pit.
a twenty year lease to occupy and means of employment... perfect.
now for that ideal on a new society, we cant eliminate but we can minimize. a homefront has to be occupied. a routine has to be installed, safety must be practiced every day. then it becomes second nature.
the dogs a barkin ...gotta step out and see whats he barking at.
to be continued.....
i registered freerangecanadians.com Dec 21 2013. it is a link to networking.
ReplyDeletein my search to create a society i think i have narrowed it down. i can keep the whole name free range canadians, or may change it upon registering a society.
i need four others who would be willing to sign up on registering. although we would have to write up a charter and mission statement, and with the guidline before us could do it easily.
a particular advantage is a society can own property. and enter into contracts. this being the case id like to transfer one of my gold claims into the society and have it buy land, supplies, and develop its own economy.
if it works, i have other gold claims and self employment ideas to run through.
idealy if we owned property and a homefront, with an income, and means of community support by the society then after that what is cost to live? how about getting back to the livlihood of the family and indivdual, the satifaction of providing a way of life, to co-exist and thrive in our environment.
lol.... there are so many apects that can be applied. im interested in developing an education system, medical knowledge, edible and medicinal herbal lore, and developing a forest steward program. after that or in the meantime research and development into energy, water purification, and use of materials, from our environment.
yet theres more... so im looking into building this network, trying to expose the name to as many as i can. i kept getting side tracked on the net to places in the states, or overseas... and the network comunities seem like they are all over the place... which is good, but not quite what i have in mind. they make excellent information banks which is what im sure was the ideal,
free range canadians is you and me, all of us who have the need to take more control of our livelihood. we have the desire to homestead, learn survivalism, and take great pride in canadian heritage. we are interested in blue printing a community that is eco friendly, and work towards renewable resources as income. yet theres more...
every time i get into it i keep seeing so much more, if the society worked.... holy cow!
freerangecanadians.com freerangecanadians.blogspot.com nirad@live.ca
Darin... Free Range Canadians