what is a society?

an incorperated group of five or more persons who share a recreational, cultural, scientific, or charitable interest.

purpose of incorperating a society,

groups may or may not incorperate, each chapter votes or decides.
if incorperated members are not liable for the debts of the society.
societies may own land and property, and may enter into contracts under the society.{as opposed to individuals entering a contract}
public perception of a society if it is incorperated, has more formed permanent status.
societies may not incorperate primarily for the purpose to carry on a trade name or business.

a society must contain three elements.

distinctive element... =  frontiersmen
descriptive element...=  canadians
legal element...   =  society

possable names with all three elements.

society of free range canadians,
league of free range canadians,
society of canadian frontiersmen.
canadian league of free range frontiersmen.
canadian league of frontiersmen.

with the basic requirement in place all it takes is the commitment from five individuals to form the society.
the exact charter and internal matters would have to be worked out, before registering. providing five folks get together, and complete all requirements for registering a society. with that done, i now transfer one of my gold claims over to the society. at this point with an income available to the society, traditional as well as new age pioneering methods can be researched and practiced.

in a nutshell the ideals and concept would have to be laid out. improved or expanded, debated and researched. in the end every opinion counts.

                       www.freerangecanadians.com   Darin Prentice

i got this directly from a gov site. looking for anyone interested in a side project....
so this is where we all count. alone i cant do too much, im limited. five of us are real nice, but fifty in a vally of 3000 acres...well eventualy. till then its a step.

Free Range Canadians

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