Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Don Keltie
If you voted Liberal, maybe you will be invited to enjoy the same food allowance.
Here's a little tidbit of interesting news.

This morning’s Vancouver Sun states that Syrian refugees will be paid a meal allowance per person per day of $15 for breakfast, $16 for lunch, and $30 for dinner by the Federal Government. Thus, a typical family with four kids will receive $186/day or $5,580/month for meals alone, and this from a government that somehow cannot afford more than about $1100/month for all expenses for pensioners.

No wonder that the government is now admitting that this year’s deficitwill be higher than the pre-election figure of $10 billion, but perhaps $25
billion!! As I have previously commented, “Hold on to your wallets”, the Liberals are back in town. For those of you seduced by the promises of “sunny ways”, reality is here, and we can look forward to higher taxes and a bigger overall debt.

dont really know what to say there, it does look like a bit out of ballance after the struggle with welfare, the elderly, and our veterans....almost criminal id say. yet again this means nothing does it? we do without so others may have.
iv always agreed with taking in the homeless and bringing up the conditions of poor areas. you know ...we do our best and get kicked in the beans. i could start talking about personal reasons but i wont. we must endure. for it is only fair. 
though i am confused as to why we are not starting with our poor and elderly, the vets and pensioners... the disabled...our single parents, our neglected orphans.... who will take the flame .... meanwhile us citizens are shackled by the legal system and must take a number. we are not priority. even now my bills are being increased to make up the difference. but we must endure for it is only fair we give to those who do not have. at least they apreciate it.
when i got welfare the max amount was 500$ to cover room and board for the month, and i had to attend daily employment training seminars. labour ready would hire out by the day at 8 p/h for 64 $ a day, i think about 1,200 a month if your lucky before deductions. keep in mind transportation and monthly payments of whatever, nope it doesnt add up even if we increase inflation there is a discrimination against canadian citizens. 
 i posted this as a heads up. things are fine, life is good, everything is okay....for now.... or is it?

it may be treason. should be unlawful. i am disgusted and ashamed we bicker about trivial stuff... see all the fluff in the news? theres no info there at all. we still are kept dumbed down, and fed a load of lies...and do nothing. well who can say anything when a peacefull demonstration by eco activists gets labeled eco terrorism and terrorists get amnesty with retirement in canada. meanwhile my 8,000 tax return is kept back and applied to the current new tax crop for covering debts. hahahaha....ok thx for listening...what? this is a recording for better one for two for ....
at least i tried.... 
pioneer a homestead, live off the land, start re-living heritage. tommorow may never last.

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