Monday, February 21, 2011

asteroid colision...

heavy subject...literaly!
i typed in 2012, and voila...all kinds of info re: end of days.
then typed in 2019, and same type of stuff...
what the heck have i got to lose so at random i typed 2031, and holy cow!! end of days again....
okay so we are small in the scale of the universe and our odds are against us....
the major incidents are unavoidable, however what about the smaller ones?
oh-ya...if were talking about small asteroids or comets, and they say it'll block the sun for three years...fall out and all with nuclear winter...
most of us are done for...72 hour kits, three days, overnight bags, single rations over three years...water supply...hygene disposal...
so i got to thinking and thats when i ran into the block. naturall materials that offer protection from the extreme elements. self contained living space to accomodate all occupants, with attached cold storage, water supply, wind energy, self propelled generator, etc,etc,etc...
there again, this is only open thaught and subject to debate and if we gathered three years supply, and built a habitat resistant to extreme conditions, with eco friendly and sustainable the best of our survive off the grid...and thrive.
i welcome open thaughts...


  1. hi again,
    so i have looked even more into asteroid much. well theres more than that, now we talk about radiation, climate change, water table and soil erosion.....
    all we can do is all we can do.
    but by doing what we can when we can, we sow the seed. keep on keeping on....
    challenge the obstacles before us...conjur up a suitable attempt to overcome,
    prepare, preserve, protect...

  2. and an UP-DATE....
    dec 2011, since then, the globe suffered easily 500,000 disaster related deaths. thats less than a year. the asteroid is still coming, but the same pictures arent on the internet anymore, instead now theres some but blacked out. the major planet will miss so far, but it has a satelite moon and debris field that could get pulled in from our gravity. so 25% the planet will hit, 50% the other moon will hit, 75% debris from its field will hit.
    now the thing i see, and scientists all say it, that earth is shifting from a change in the magnetic field due to the extreme magnetic pull of nibiru. volcanoes are becoming active, tetonic plates are rumbling, water levels rising and land mass sinking, evolution changes. we must learn to evolve and adapt as well.
    each study sugests to prepare min of one year per member. and follow top 100 items. i have not found anything saying less. local overnight emergency kit, yes its good. but long term needs lots of preperation. iv been following a fella online, went through a war, and he makes it very clear....either way, if its a major disaster, or conflict over time....are you ready?

  3. and yet i say hello once again.
    march 8 2012, and this december arks the half way point and the leaving of nibiru if we survive. still im heading out this summer to gold pan and prepare a survival camp for any who may show up. also im still looking for other people to come out and donate tools materials and labour. also interested in buying an acre or two to make permament homestead, comunity house. and build out from there. got a couple projects in mind and its way too much for just one guy. so if you might be iinterested keep it mind and culture that thaught. i hope to see otheres come out and play, like i said before id rather be a crazy nut than a dead duck. on the bright side, i think nothing will happen and if nothing happens then at the very least we all have a campsite and home front to hang our hats. anyone interested is welcome, i encourage you to make contact. thanks for your time: Darin of Vilna...

  4. worth a thaught or two... i seen his research and i cant say i dont believe. but what can i do? i can find myself, love and forgive ourselves and learn to carry on. i will not give up in the face of extinction, but i do accept whatever the out come will be. pretty heavy i know but what can one say. i will learn survivalism and how to co-exist with nature. i believe my old man has a how to the what... at least a place to be at peace. and i know he will preppare for us. i encourage all of you to look inside and do some research...its coming but will it miss? i dont know. just a thaught...liv love laugh.... C

  5. oct 16 2013.
    i suppose nibiru has passed, and we have been seeing a lot of comets in the wake...asteroids out of no-where. i read the begining of the end will last for seven years, givin nibiru passed 2012 and now add seven years to that, comes to 2019, and given that the front page in the news back in 2002 reported a planet killer asteroid has a 1% chance of missing us in 2019. till then our planet is going through changes, adjusting and shifting, it wont be overnight, it will be over a period of years peaking in 2019. this is the date we have to be ready for.
    the minister for national defense stated on the parliament channel the existence of three allien races and they may be among us... true. i couldnt believe it. there it was on the parliament channel.....
    well there ya go... thats my update. hope to see you soon.... D
